Friday, December 19, 2014

Thank You, M'am by Langston Hughes

You will post your answer to one of the following questions that includes a quotation from the text and your thinking around it. You are also expected to read other people’s comments and to respond to at least one other person’s thinking.

  • What issues (or big ideas) are hiding in this text? What does the text say about this issue?
  • What else have I read or watched that has to do with this issue?
  • How does a character grow and change throughout the story? What do they realize through these experiences?
  • What is the author trying to say or teach you through this story?

If you have something that you really want to talk about, you can create your own question to explore.


  1. The author is trying to tell or teach us in the text is that we should show empathy toward others. Mrs. Washington says "I was once that person that couldn't afford the things I wanted." that showed the boy that he wasn't the only one that has it rough in life. Another way she showed empathy was she fed him, allowed him to was his face and gave him ten dollars to buy the shoes he wanted. after this experience this may had changed this boy's life.

    1. Kevin brooks: what do u think the author itself was trying to do with you as you were reading it did the story relate to your life or what was the lesson that you learned from it. good thinking

  2. Brian Cordova : I think the author was teaching me that even though you don't have the things you want you shouldn't steal.

    1. That's what I was thinking in my mind when I read the story too. 👍

  3. I learned from reading the story that Mrs.Luella Bates Washington Jones is a good person and likes to help out people that need it because in the text it says "I believe you're hungry or been hungry" that shows us that Mea.Luella is helping out the kid by giving him food.

    1. I agree what Ashley was saying because Ms.washington helped out Rodger by asking him he wanted something to eat & she did not have to do that

  4. I believe the author was trying to teach us that stealing is not good & wvetything bad you do has a consequence. But overall i think that ms.jones is a nice lady because she did not have to do the things she did to Rodger after he attempted to take her purse

  5. I believe that the author was trying to teach us that we don't always have to have a reason to help others. For example ms jones didn't have to help Rodger she didn't need a reason to help him. She did it because she cares & she has compassion

    1. I totally agree with you diamond, you don't have to have a reason to help others I really liked this story I loved that Ms.jones impacted Rodgers life.
