Friday, December 19, 2014

Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde by Sonya Sones

You will post your answer to one of the following questions that includes a quotation from the text and your thinking around it. You are also expected to read other people’s comments and to respond to at least one other person’s thinking.

  • What issues (or big ideas) are hiding in this text? What does the text say about this issue?
  • What else have I read or watched that has to do with this issue?
  • How does a character grow and change throughout the story? What do they realize through these experiences?
  • What is the author trying to say or teach you through this story?

If you have something that you really want to talk about, you can create your own question to explore.


  1. I believe that the author is trying to tell the reader (me). that sometimes even the baddest person can have compassion or understanding when it comes to common sense like paying back a favor.

    quote: "later that day when I got to my room all my things were there my teddy bear,my sunglasses, my favorite singers photo and my book."

    1. What else have you read or watched that has to do with this idea?

  2. The big idea that is hidden in the text is being physically abused. The text says that when someone is being physically abused they don't want to tell anyone because the other people won't believe them.

    Quote: "so whenever I try to tell my parents about something hideous that she's done to me, "high-strung" Lucy just gives another one of her Oscar-winning performances."

    1. Do you think all people react the same way toward Physical Abuse? Or do all people keep it in?

  3. The character Lucy grows and changes at the end of the story, she realizes that she has been mean to Sasha and Sasha had her back when she saw her and her boyfriend in the tub and when their mom was asking for her Sasha covered for her . Lucy changed by giving Sasha all the things she took from her .

    Quote: "I walk into my bedroom, and switch on the light .there they all are, lined up neatly on my bed: my ladybug earnings, my homer Simpson key chain, my sunglasses, my autographed photo of Kobe Bryant, the heart-shaped stone that Adam gave me, and even john Patrick, my favorite stuffed bear from when i was little."

    1. I agree that lucy change when sasha helps her.

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  4. How does a character grow and change throughout the story?What do they realize through these experiences?
    In this story Lucy's changes when Sasha helps her not get got by her mom so then she released that she help her even when she was so rude to her all the time. so she gave back all the things she had from Sasha back so that's how Lucy changes in the story

    "There they all are, lined up neatly on my be:
    my ladybug earrings, my Homer Simpson key chain, my sunglasses.....
    and even John Patrick, my favorite stuffed bear from when i was little whao......
    Lucy would't have been incredibly grateful to me for saving her skin.
