Friday, December 19, 2014

Do You Want My Opinion? by M. E. Kerr

You will post your answer to one of the following questions that includes a quotation from the text and your thinking around it. You are also expected to read other people’s comments and to respond to at least one other person’s thinking.

  • What issues (or big ideas) are hiding in this text? What does the text say about this issue?
  • What else have I read or watched that has to do with this issue?
  • How does a character grow and change throughout the story? What do they realize through these experiences?
  • What is the author trying to say or teach you through this story?

If you have something that you really want to talk about, you can create your own question to explore.


  1. The author is trying say that Love makes the world go round.But that you choose the right person you wanted to be with, no matter how old you are.In the story is also said("Love make the world go round,Lovemaking is what's important -relaxing your body,letting your mind empty just feeling without thinking-just giving in and letting go.John is the main character in the story he doesn't know what he wants,he also confussed

  2. I think the author is trying to show us that the characters have different views. For example, by showing how Lauren dreamed of an opposite world it shows how Lauren may think people should want to learn more about each others thoughts instead of focusing on lovemaking. She thinks thoughts are more important because not many people express exactly what they think people should be able to without any fear of what anyone can say. I think the author is trying to teach us that it's okay to have a different perspective on life from other people so we don't have too many people in the world who all think the same.

    1. Do you agree with what the author is saying?

    2. I think the same thing about the author trying to teach us that its okay to have a different perspective on life from other people.

    3. In a way I could see how that could makes since. No body would be different or unique and there would be no creative things in this world.

  3. Why would the author make this stor reversed from our world?

  4. The story satirizes the excessive importance that society places on sex by either overvaluing it or fearfully trying to control it. In addition, the story suggests that our obsession with sex is unreasonable and disproportionate compared to the relatively low value we place on discussing opinions about far more important matters such as social ideology and politics (e.g., capitalism vs. socialism, foreign relations, or involvement in global conflicts).
